A new and updated Data Hub from the United Church of Christ
(now titled “UCC Database and Directories”) and being called DAD is going to help streamline this process!
STEP 1. Watch the video
Access the UCC Data Hub at: https://datahub.ucc.org
STEP 2. Reviewing and updating church info
STEP 3. Entering church info
A worksheet outlining all the information you will be asked to provide can downloaded here. It may be helpful to collect all this data prior to accessing the UCC Data Hub.
The national office of the UCC has created a number of resources, listed below, to help guide you through the process. If you have any questions or need help, please contact the Conference at:
If you have any questions or need assistance as you work through this, please contact the conference at admin@vermontucc.org or by phone at 802- 505-8727
If you have any questions or get an error message with the computer system please contact:
STEP 4. Fill out Yearbook & Directory Supplement