A new and updated Data Hub from the United Church of Christ 

(now titled “UCC Database and Directories”) and being called DAD is going to help streamline this process!

Have no fear! 

We can do this!

12 Important Reasons to Report Annual Church Data

STEP 1. Watch the video

Access the UCC Data Hub at: https://datahub.ucc.org


  • Login using your Username and Password. If you already have an Engage account (which is the same website that hosts ministerial profiles), simply enter your username and password to sign in. 
  • If you don't have an existing Engage account (or are unsure), click the green “Sign Up: Yearbook Reporter” button. (If the email address matches one or more of the accounts on record, you will be prompted to select the account on the following screen. If no match is found,“Click here to request a new account”)
  • From here, you will be prompted to enter your information, including name, your role at the church (e.g., minister), church ID, and access code.
  • Church ID: Your 6 Digit Church ID Number. The first two digits are the VT Conference number: 82. The remaining four digits are your church number. Click on the link below to look up your number.
  • You will then be prompted to create a username and set your password via an emailed code or password reset link. 
  • After agreeing to the site’s Terms and Conditions, you will be taken to the UCC Database and Directories home page
  • Once in the Data Hub you will be selecting the different navigation tabs at the top of the page (Home, My Church, Church Report, and Support) to enter your information, review and submit. You will be able to edit the information up to the closing date of March 21.

STEP 2. Reviewing and updating church info

STEP 3. Entering church info

A worksheet outlining all the information you will be asked to provide can downloaded here. It may be helpful to collect all this data prior to accessing the UCC Data Hub. 


The national office of the UCC has created a number of resources, listed below, to help guide you through the process. If you have any questions or need help, please contact the Conference at:

 If you have any questions or need assistance as you work through this, please contact the conference at admin@vermontucc.org or by phone at 802- 505-8727


 If you have any questions or get an error message with the computer system please contact:

STEP 4. Fill out Yearbook & Directory Supplement