Search & Call in the Vermont Conference
The search for a new pastor is an opportunity for your church to learn more about itself and consider who and what it wants to be in the future. The search and call process in the Vermont Conference is designed to be a guide for each church on this important journey. The Vermont Conference staff are here to be coaches, mentors and resources to you every step of the way.
Please contact the Vermont Conference before you begin your search process. The staff has the resources and experience to walk with you on this journey. Below you will find different resources to use on each step of your search & call journey. These resources are very helpful but they are not a substitute for working with the Vermont Conference staff throughout the search & call process. The Conference staff are here to serve your church search committee throughout the process of calling a new pastor to your church.
Our church is seeking (click a button below)...
Frequently Asked Questions
For searching ministers...
Do you send my profile automatically to the church I request?
No. We require candidates’ review the complete Local Church Profile before their ministerial profile is sent to a church for consideration. You must request the church profile first and then request your profile be sent to them.
I am a Member in Discernment. Will you circulate my profile?
You may review the Local Church Profile if you are approved to circulate your profile. You may only submit your ministerial profile for consideration when you have been approved for Ordination Pending Call.
How long will you hold onto my profile?
Two years, although the Criminal Background Check must be renewed after 18 months.
For search committees...
Do you send out brochures for the churches?
No. Our churches all complete the Local Church Profile and that is circulated to interested candidates.
Where is our church opening publicized?
Your opening will be posted on the UCC Ministerial Opportunities site as well as on the Vermont Conference website.
How long will our search take?
This is difficult to answer. Searches are most often measured in months, not days or weeks. Some searches find their new pastor quickly, others take much longer. Many different factors play into how long your timeline will be.
More questions? You can email one of our staff members or call the Vermont Conference office at (802) 728-4999.