Resources for Online and Hybrid Ministry
Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matt. 18:20)
Join us for Both/And: Maximizing Hybrid Worship Experiences For Online and In-Person Audiences
Strategies for Hybrid Worship Services
Technology Basics for Congregations workshop was held on Saturday, September 26, 2020 and was presented by Penn Northeast Conference UCC by Rev. Rebecca Sausser
The internet is no longer a new idea for the church and it is essential to the future of our faith communities.
What's the difference between "church online" and "online church"?
During Week 1 of Closed Churches, Here's What I Learned Online...
Leader: Christopher Harris This session will provide an overview of how to live stream church services and events. Discussion will include necessary hardware, hospitality issues (including chat rooms), and whether to upload print content. Christopher Harris will also highlight real examples of churches successfully live streaming, and the technical and messaging issues they had to work through.
This is a group that is focused on using Zoom for congregational life.
Please ask and answer away, mutually encouraging one another along the way.
Resource prepared by Central Pacific Conference UCC
This video from United Methodist Videos shows you how to set up a YouTube channel for your church.
This video from United Methodist Videos explains how to upload a video on your church channel.
A Ministry of the Vermont Conference, United Church of Christ
a FAQ webpage on copyright laws for churches regarding music, images, and writings. If your church is going to livestream parts or all of worship, make sure you’re following these guidelines.
Resource from the Massachusetts Council of Church on Christian funerals while social distancing.
Resources, Guidelines, Support from the UCC
12 step and other recovery meetings and programs held online
Join Mary Ann Proffitt, Director of Christian Education Evangelical and Reformed United Church of Christ- Waukesha, Wisconsin for virtual Sunday school every week!
Leader: Sarah Leer and Youth
Bradford Congregational UCC
First Congregational UCC, Burlington
Charlotte Congregational Church UCC
First Congregational Church of Essex Junction
Greensboro United Church of Christ
Guilford Community Church UCC
First Congregational Church of Hartland
First Congregational Church of Manchester
The Congregational Church of Middlebury, UCC
United Community Church of Morrisville
United Church of Newport
North Pomfret Congregational Church
Pittsford Congregational Church UCC
Grace Congregational Church, Rutland
First Congregational Church of
St. Albans
United Church of Underhill
Warren United Church, UCC
West Newbury Congregation Church UCC
Weybridge Congregational UCC
Marlboro Meeting House
United Church of Craftsbury