Resources for Online and Hybrid Ministry

Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”  (Matt. 18:20)


What is Online or Hybrid Ministry?
Tech and Livestreaming Basics
What is Zoom? 
What is YouTube?
What about inspirational content?
What other Church Activities can we have online?
What is Online or Hybrid Ministry?

Join us for Both/And: Maximizing Hybrid Worship Experiences For Online and In-Person Audiences

Strategies for Hybrid Worship Services

Tech and Livestreaming Basics
What is Zoom? 
What is YouTube?
What about inspirational content?
What other Church Activities can we have online?

Bradford Congregational UCC 


First Congregational UCC, Burlington

Charlotte Congregational Church UCC 

First Congregational Church of Essex Junction 

Greensboro United Church of Christ 

Guilford Community Church UCC


First Congregational Church of Hartland

First Congregational Church of Manchester

The Congregational Church of Middlebury, UCC

United Community Church of Morrisville

United Church of Newport 


North Pomfret Congregational Church

Pittsford Congregational Church UCC 

Grace Congregational Church, Rutland

First Congregational Church of

St. Albans

United Church of Underhill


Warren United Church, UCC


West Newbury Congregation Church UCC 

Weybridge Congregational UCC 


Marlboro Meeting House 


United Church of Craftsbury