Convocation is… Glory, Gifts, and Growth
Fall at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center is an experience grounded in the glory of nature!
Come October 7-9 to walk forest paths and sit by still waters. Come for guided discussions of two books that point the way for our challenging times as leaders.
The books are “Life after Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart” by Brian McClaren and “Who do We Choose to Be? Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, and Restoring Sanity by Margaret Wheatly
Reading the books ahead of time is optional.
Come to grow in rich relationships that will feed our souls.
Come to receive the gift of inspiring worship you did not have to plan and lead!
Come because it always is a joy to join with our beloved colleagues and learn from one another.
If you are a regular attendee, please invite some folks to come along.
If you’ve never tried it, we promise you will find something to nurture your soul.
BIking at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center!